I'm still trying to find "my style", and throwing bowls for Tidewater Gallery's Souper Supper has been a good motivation to get focused practice time in.
This was a good mishap, since it gave me a chance to check my walls. :) This one was a rice-bowl with chopstick notches. Those are always fun to eat out of...
After 4 weeks of practice, this is what I settled on. (I need a scale so I can keep the balls of clay the same size though) I was not only experimenting on shapes, but on my signature, and I think I came up with a version I like enough to make a stamp out of. :)
*risky drying before loading the kiln...*
This is a fun new addition to my studio. On a lego-night while I was working, Jade brought out her leg0-impression of ME! I love it so much, and it goes well next to my dad's tiny welded-"Tara"-sculpture.
More TrOUT cups for the Steelhead Festival.
AAAAND my big mishap... I fired some work for a classmate, and 3 of his sculptures exploded...badly. Bisque crumbs are tucked all over in the elements. :( I'm waiting for him to come over and clean it himself. *sigh*